Robbie Williams — Candy

As you have scof­fed down all the Chri­st­mas dishes and deli­ca­cies that you pre­pa­red, I will try to swe­eten your time with a song “Can­dy” sung by Rob­bie Wil­liams.

This song is a lead sin­gle of the ninth stu­dio album of Rob­bie Wil­liams. Despi­te swe­et title “Can­dy”, it’s rather bit­ter­swe­et.  It tells a sto­ry of a girl, who is very attrac­ti­ve and has no boun­da­ries. We can com­pa­re her to a fla­me, which looks quite marvel­lo­us, but can be dan­ge­ro­us at the same time.  Gen­tel­men, you bet­ter be care­ful with girls like a figu­re from ‘Can­dy’.

I invi­te you all to get to know abun­dan­ce of myste­rio­us phra­ses and tri­via (cie­ka­wost­ki), which you can find in this song.

Tekst pio­sen­ki Rob­bie Wil­liams — Can­dy

I was the­re to wit­ness
Candice’s inner buisness
She wants the boys to noti­ce
Her rain­bows, and her ponies
She was edu­ca­ted but could not count to ten
Now she got lots of dif­fe­rent hor­ses
By lots of dif­fe­rent men
And I say

Libe­ra­te your sons and dau­gh­ters
The bush is hot
But in the hole there’s water
You can get some, when they give it
Nothing sacred, but it’s a living

Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too high
Or a lit­tle too low
Got no self-este­em and ver­ti­go
Cos she thinks
She’s made of can­dy
Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too loud
Or a lit­tle too clo­se
Got a hur­ri­ca­ne
At the back of her thro­at
Cos she thinks she’s made of can­dy

Ring a ring of roses
Who­ever gets the clo­sest
She comes and she goes
As the war of the roses
Mother was a vic­tim
Father beat the sys­tem
By moving bricks to Bri­xton
And lear­ning how to fix them

Libe­ra­te your sons and dau­gh­ters
The bush is high
But in the hole there’s water
As you will she’ll be the who­le of the law
And if it don’t feel good
What are you doing it for

Now tell me
Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too high
Or a lit­tle too low
Got no self-este­em and ver­ti­go
Cos she thinks
She’s made of can­dy
Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too loud
Or a lit­tle too clo­se
Got a hur­ri­ca­ne
At the back of her thro­at
Cos she thinks she’s made of can­dy

Libe­ra­te your sons and dau­gh­ters
The bush is high but in the hole there’s water
As you will she’ll be the who­le of the law
And if you don’t feel good
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?

Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too high
Or a lit­tle too low
Got no self-este­em and ver­ti­go
Cos she thinks
She’s made of can­dy
Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too loud
Or a lit­tle too clo­se
Got a hur­ri­ca­ne
At the back of her thro­at
Cos she thinks she’s made of can­dy

Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too high
Or a lit­tle too low
Got no self-este­em and ver­ti­go
Cos she thinks
She’s made of can­dy
Hey, ho, here she go
Either a lit­tle too loud
Or a lit­tle too clo­se
Got a hur­ri­ca­ne
At the back of her thro­at
Cos she thinks she’s made of can­dy

Tłu­ma­cze­nie Rob­bie Wil­liams — Can­dy

Byłem tam świad­kiem
Wewnętrz­nych spraw Can­di­ce
Chce żeby chłop­cy zauwa­ży­li
Jej tęcze i jej kucy­ki
Była wykształcona,ale nie umia­ła poli­czyć do dzie­się­ciu
Teraz dosta­je wie­le róż­nych koni
Od wie­lu róż­nych męż­czyzn
A ja mówię

Wyzwól­cie swo­ich synów i cór­ki
Krzak jest gorą­cy
Ale w doł­ku tutaj jest woda
Możesz (jej) tro­chę dostać, kie­dy ją dają
Nic świę­te­go, ale to jest życie

Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za wyso­ka
Albo nie­co za niska
Nie ma żad­ne­go poczu­cia wła­snej war­to­ści i zawro­tów gło­wy
Bo myśli
Że jest z cukier­ków
Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za gło­śno
Albo nie­co za bli­sko
Ma hura­gan
Na koń­cu gar­dła
Myśli, że jest zro­bio­na z cukier­ków

Może zra­nić
Kogo­kol­wiek, kto się do niej zbli­ży
Ona przy­cho­dzi i odcho­dzi
Jako woj­na róż
Mat­ka była ofia­rą
Ojciec roz­bił sys­tem
Przez sprze­da­wa­nie nar­ko­ty­ków w Bri­xton
I przez ucze­nie się, jak je ulep­szyć

Wyzwól­cie swo­ich synów i cór­ki
Krzak jest gorą­cy
Ale w doł­ku tutaj jest woda
Jeże­li chcesz, ona będzie całym pra­wem
I jeże­li to nie spra­wia przy­jem­no­ści
Po co to robisz

Teraz mi powiedz
Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za wyso­ka
Albo nie­co za niska
Nie ma żad­ne­go poczu­cia wła­snej war­to­ści i zawro­tów gło­wy
Bo myśli,
Że jest z cukier­ków
Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za gło­śno
Albo nie­co za bli­sko
Ma hura­gan
Na koń­cu gar­dła
Myśli, że jest zro­bio­na z cukier­ków

Wyzwól­cie swo­ich synów i cór­ki
Krzak jest gorą­cy, ale w doł­ku tutaj jest woda
Jeśli chcesz, ona będzie całym pra­wem
I jeże­li nie czu­jesz się dobrze
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?
Po co to robisz?

Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za wyso­ka
Albo nie­co za niska
Nie ma żad­ne­go poczu­cia wła­snej war­to­ści i zawro­tów gło­wy
Bo myśli
Że jest z cukier­ków
Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za gło­śno
Albo nie­co za bli­sko
Ma hura­gan
Na koń­cu gar­dła
Myśli, że jest zro­bio­na z cukier­ków

Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za wyso­ka
Albo nie­co za niska
Nie ma żad­ne­go poczu­cia wła­snej war­to­ści i zawro­tów gło­wy
Bo myśli
Że jest z cukier­ków
Hej, ho, oto ona tutaj idzie
Albo nie­co za gło­śno
Albo nie­co za bli­sko
Ma hura­gan
Na koń­cu gar­dła
Myśli, że jest zro­bio­na z cukier­ków

Zwroty & wyrażenia


In the first line of the song Rob­bie sings that he was the­re to wit­ness (to obse­rve) how Can­di­ce is doing and he is able to see her true face, real natu­re.

I was the­re to wit­ness
Candice’s inner buisness

Byłem tam świad­kiem
Wewnętrz­nych spraw Can­di­ce

To wit­ness = być świad­kiem (prze­stęp­stwa, ata­ku, ale tak­że roz­wo­ju spo­łecz­ne­go, zmian tech­no­lo­gicz­nych), doświad­czyć.


Did any­one wit­ness the attack? = Czy kto­kol­wiek był świad­kiem tego ata­ku?

They were stay­ing in the capi­tal at the time of the riots and wit­nes­sed seve­ral stre­et bat­tles. = Prze­by­wa­li w sto­li­cy w cza­sie zamie­szek i byli świad­ka­mi paru bitew ulicz­nych.

He arri­ved home just in time to wit­ness his bro­ther being taken by the poli­ce. = Przy­był do domu w porę, aby być świad­kiem, jak jego brat był zabie­ra­ny przez poli­cję.

This uni­ver­si­ty has wit­nes­sed quite a few chan­ges over the years. = Przez lata ten uni­wer­sy­tet doświad­czył nie­jed­ną zmia­nę.

This verb can also mean being pre­sent at an event to sign your name as a pro­of that it hap­pe­ned or that it was done cor­rec­tly.

To wit­ness = poświad­czyć.


Her will was drawn up by a soli­ca­tor and wit­nes­sed by two col­le­agu­es. = Jej wola zosta­ła spo­rzą­dzo­na na piśmie przez adwo­ka­ta i poświad­czo­na przez dwie kole­żan­ki z pra­cy.

The is also ano­ther meaning, which can refer to faith.

To witness/to give a wit­ness = dawać świa­dec­two (np. wia­ry chrze­ści­jań­skiej).


She gave per­so­nal wit­ness to her faith in Christ. = Dała swo­je oso­bi­ste świa­dec­two wia­ry w Chry­stu­sa.


Noti­ce — other phra­ses
give sb noti­ce = dawać komuś wypo­wie­dze­nie (ktoś zwal­nia kogoś z pra­cy)
hand/give in your noti­ce = dać swo­je wypo­wie­dze­nie (sami zwal­nia­my się z pra­cy)
take noti­ce = zwra­cać uwa­gę (na coś)

The­re is also an intri­gu­ing idiom:

At short noti­ce (BrE)/ on short noti­ce (AmE) = w krót­kim ter­mi­nie, w krót­kim czasie/ w ostat­niej chwi­li, na ostat­nią chwilę/ bez wyprze­dze­nia, bez uprze­dze­nia

Can­di­ce is a girl, who enjoys when men pay atten­tion to her  and admi­re her figu­re. We can assu­me, that rain­bows and ponies rela­te to the parts of her body. That also indi­ca­tes, that her rela­tion­ships with men are only based on phy­si­cal inte­rest.

She wants the boys to noti­ce
Her rain­bows, and her ponies

Chce żeby chłop­cy zauwa­ży­li
Jej tęcze i jej kucy­ki

To noti­ce = zauwa­żyć (zauwa­żyć, że coś ist­nie­je, zdać sobie spra­wę z cze­goś).


I noti­ced a crack in the ceiling. = Zauwa­ży­łam pęk­nię­cie na sufi­cie.

He not­cied (that) the woman was sta­ring at him. = Zauwa­żył, że kobie­ta gapi­ła się na nie­go.


In this line we find out, that when parents put effort into brin­ging up the­ir offspring it is always worth and rewar­ded even­tu­al­ly.  We can read ‘water’ as a sym­bol of reward.

Libe­ra­te your sons and dau­gh­ters

Wyzwól­cie swo­ich synów i cór­ki

To libe­ra­te  = uwal­niać, wyzwa­lać.


Find some­one who comes from a coun­try which has been libe­ra­ted within the past 50 years. = Znajdź kogoś, kto pocho­dzi z pań­stwa, któ­re zosta­ło wyzwo­lo­ne w prze­cią­gu ostat­nich 50 lat.

He died befo­re the city was libe­ra­ted in 1918. = Umarł zanim mia­sto zosta­ło uwol­nio­ne w 1918 roku.

To libe­ra­te’ can be also used, when we want to say in humo­ro­us way, that some­bo­dy has sto­len some­thing.

To libe­ra­te = ukraść ( kie­dy chce­my okre­ślić kra­dzież w zabaw­ny spo­sób).


She libe­ra­ted tho­se spo­ons from a restau­rant last week. = Uwol­ni­ła (ukra­dła) te łyż­ki z restau­ra­cji w zeszłym tygo­dniu.

Self-esteem & vertigo

The girl seems to be a fem­me fata­le and beha­ves quite bipo­lar. On the other hand she doesn’t belie­ve in her own abi­li­tes and worth, she doesn’t respect her­self and she feels, that she is una­ble to balan­ce.

Got no self-este­em and ver­ti­go

Nie ma żad­ne­go poczu­cia wła­snej war­to­ści i zawro­tów gło­wy

Self-este­em = poczu­cie wła­snej war­to­ści.


The com­pli­ments she rece­ived after the pre­sen­ta­tion boosted her self-este­em. = Kom­ple­men­ty, któ­ry­mi zosta­ła obsy­pa­na po pre­zen­ta­cji pod­nio­sły jej poczu­cie wła­snej war­to­ści.

Ver­ti­go = zawro­ty gło­wy (spo­wo­do­wa­ne np. lękiem wyso­ko­ści).


She can’t stand heights and has always suf­fe­red from ver­ti­go. = Ona nie zno­si wyso­ko­ści i od zawsze cier­pia­ła na zawro­ty gło­wy (z tego powo­du).

Be made of something

The music video was set in Spi­tal­fields in east Lon­don in the sum­mer of 2012. Can­di­ce was play­ed by Kaya Sco­de­la­rio, who is famo­us for play­ing in ‘Skins’- come­dy dra­ma abo­ut Bri­tish youth and pro­blems they have to face during the ado­le­scen­ce.

Then she is full of her­self and per­ce­ive her­self as a prin­cess, becau­se she thinks she is made of can­dy and eve­ry­bo­dy sho­uld tre­at her like a tre­asu­re.

Cos she thinks she’s made of can­dy

Bo myśli, że jest zro­bio­na ze sło­dy­czy

Be made of some­thing = być zro­bio­nym z cze­goś.


Your heart is made of sto­ne. = Two­je ser­ce jest (zro­bio­ne) z kamie­nia.

What fabric is your dress made of? = Z jakie­go mate­ria­łu jest zro­bio­na two­ja sukien­ka?

We use ‘be made of some­thing’ when the mate­rial the sub­ject con­sist of doesn’t chan­ge during the pro­cess of making it.

When the mate­rial chan­ges during that pro­cess, we use ‘be made from some­thing’.

Be made from some­thing = być wypro­du­ko­wa­nym z cze­goś.


Che­ese is made from sour milk. = Ser jest pro­du­ko­wa­ny z kwa­śne­go mle­ka.

Pla­stic is made from petro­leum. = Pla­stik pro­du­ko­wa­ny jest z ropy naf­to­wej.

Ring a ring of roses

Ring a ring of roses refers to the nur­se­ry rhy­me ( = przed­szkol­na rymo­wan­ka), folk­song and play­gro­und sin­ging song.

Its Polish equ­iva­lent is ‘Kół­ko gra­nia­ste’. Howe­ver, English ver­sion is pro­ba­ble to has its roots in Gre­at Pla­gue (= Wiel­ka zara­za), which took pla­ce in the King­dom of Englad in 1665–1666. It was the epi­de­mic of bubo­nic pla­gue (dżu­ma).

Sne­ezing, fal­ling down, rosy rash nd coughing is like­ly to have some­thing to do with symp­toms of bubo­nic pla­gue. Posies (= bukiety/ wiąz­ki kwia­tów) would mean posies of herbs (= wiąz­ki ziół), which were car­ried in order to pro­tect and redu­ce the smell of the dise­ase.

That expla­ins why the first line of he nur­se­ry rhy­me was used in this song. Who­ever gets to clo­se to that girl can get hurt or sick.

Ring a ring of roses
Who­ever gets the clo­sest

Może zra­nić
Kogo­kol­wiek, kto się do niej zbli­ży


Got a hur­ri­ca­ne
At the back of her thro­at

Ma hura­gan
Na koń­cu gar­dła

Accor­ding to Wil­liams him­self it might mean, that she swe­ars like a sailor.

The­re is also ano­ther meaning of it. Sin­ger says only that she did some­thing else and it invo­lved seaman as well, but he doesn’t name it lite­ral­ly.


Other names for vic­tim
casu­al­ty = ofia­ra (np. wypad­ku, zama­chu), ofia­ra ( jako oso­ba pono­szą­ca skut­ki cze­goś)
fata­li­ty =  ofia­ra śmier­tel­na
mar­tyr = cier­pięt­nik, męczen­nik
suf­fe­rer = oso­ba cier­pią­ca, oso­ba poszko­do­wa­na (w wypad­ku), ofia­ra (prze­stęp­stwa)

Even her own fami­ly was a vic­tim of her.

Mother was a vic­tim

Mat­ka była ofia­rą

Vic­tim = ofia­ra (prze­stęp­stwa, napa­du), ofia­ra – ktoś pono­si kon­se­kwen­cje cze­goś.


The chil­dren are the inno­cent vic­tims of the figh­ting. = Dzie­ci są nie­win­ny­mi ofia­ra­mi kłót­ni.

The new drug might help save the lives of can­cer vic­tims. = Nowy lek może pomóc oca­lić życie ofiar raka.

Our local hospi­tal has beco­me the latest vic­tim of the cuts in govern­ment spen­ding. = Nasz lokal­ny szpi­tal stał się ostat­nią ofia­rą cięć w wydat­kach rzą­du.

Moving bricks

Here we can find out ano­ther thing abo­ut the back­gro­und of her life. Her father is being descri­bed here as a drug sel­ler.

Refe­ren­ce to Bri­xton (district in the Lon­don Boro­ugh of Lam­beth in South Lon­don)  is well-cho­osen, becau­se Bri­xton is cal­led ”the drugs capi­tal of Lon­don”.

Father beat the sys­tem
By moving bricks to Bri­xton

Ojciec roz­bił sys­tem
Przez sprze­da­wa­nie nar­ko­ty­ków w Bri­xton

Accor­ding to Urban Dic­tio­na­ry, moving bricks = to sell drugs, often times in par­king lots.

As you will

Accor­ding to Rob­bie first words of the line  — ‘As you will’ is a refe­ren­ce to Ale­ister Crow­ley, who was an English occul­tist, cere­mo­nial magi­cian and his words ‘Do what thou will’.

They were sup­po­sed to show how to bear (radzić sobie) with other people. It means that the ori­gins of our will have an influ­en­ce on the direc­tion our will cho­ose.

As you will, she’ll be the who­le of the law

Jeśli chcesz, ona będzie całym pra­wem

The­se words can mean, that this girl can be easi­ly direc­ted by some­one, becau­se she is pas­si­ve and let people deci­de on her behalf (= w jej imie­niu).

As you see am enter­ta­ining song you can hear on a radio isn’t that sim­ple when it comes to under­stand and inter­pret it.

To sum up, this song is abo­ut a girl, who­se life is quite mes­sed up – she is a fem­me fata­le and has a mise­ra­ble back­gro­und. At the end of the song we still have mixed feelings abo­ut her.


Do you like Rob­bie and his songs?

What do you think abo­ut our les­son?

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